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How to deal with rising food prices

How to deal with rising food prices

Everything seems to be going up lately and shows no sign of coming down anytime soon and many of us are on a tight budget so putting more money into our food budget is simply not an option so here we are going to share some info that may help you deal with rising food prices.

1.Compare Prices and Buy in Bulk if you can , buy larger quantities store it, freeze it, or dehydrate , with prices continuing to rise especially for Indian food items due to increase in goods and shipping now would be a good time to stock up 

2.Buy what you need on Fresh produce and buy produce according to its season, so you get the best deal. When food is at its peak in season, it tastes better and costs less.

3.Skip Take Aways & Restaurant Meals and Cook Dinner at Home , Stock up with Instant & Ready to eat foods that do not require you to be a professional chef and can be made in a few minutes. 

4. Look out for Bargains and stock up 

5. Try out newer or cheaper brands , they might surprise you and be better than your favourite brand ,One of the most effective ways to cut down on food prices is to make the switch from brand name products to private label or generics.

Finally , Don't go food shopping when you are hungry ,It's widely advised that you shouldn't grocery shop when you're hungry. Why? Because you'll end up buying more than you need and usually not on anything healthy.